13 February 2010

Diagnosis and Humour

It may not sound very positive to talk about the process of having face pain accurately diagnosed but, when I look back, it’s actually quite funny. We all trust doctors, especially the ones who get things right and give us all the drugs we need to get better. But having face pain diagnosed is a bit like a plumber’s estimate – it’s close but it’s never quite accurate.

Various doctors have had a stab at (pun intended) diagnosing what's actually wrong with me. It started with Migraine, then it was Sinusitus. After a few more years, it was Trigeminal Neuralgia and now it’s possibly Cluster Headaches, though it could still be Trigeminal Neuralgia. I’m getting to the stage where I don’t really care – as long as the meds work.

And therein lies the problem. Unless the diagnosis is right, I could be popping the wrong pills forever. To me, with my weird sense of humour, that’s funny. It’s also the reason for my decision to cope differently, positively, happily and without any (or many) drugs, potions or surgical procedures on my brain. Knowing my luck, they could, accidentally of course, slice out the Sense of Humour part of my brain, and then where would I be?

Should any neurosurgeons be reading this blog, the area in my brain that’s responsible for my sense of humour is probably located in my frontal lobes, so please try to keep all your scalpels well away from this area.


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