5 February 2010

Time for a change

Don’t you just hate facial pain? Well, Cluster’s Last Stand isn’t about pain. Discussions like that can be left to those who want to dwell on it, and there are plenty of them around. No, the aim here is to develop a strategy and a mindset to deal with things positively.

Let’s face it, facial pain is still just pain, whether we label it Trigeminal Neuralgia or Cluster Headaches. Who really cares? It’s excruciating, whatever we call it.

To take my mind off the pain, and as I approached 2010’s New Year, I decided enough was enough and that I should make a couple of resolutions.

1. I’m going to enjoy, and I mean really enjoy, all my pain-free periods and…
2. I’m going to have a happy, thriving and productive life – pain or no pain

• No more accepting the pain - because I don’t believe I have to

• No more being angry with myself - I didn’t volunteer for this crap

• No more feeling scared about the next attack - when it arrives, I’ll either be gone or I’ll deal with it

• No more feeling guilty about how I am affecting others - we’ll tackle this together

In making my decision, I remembered the old saying that, “We are what we think,” so my plan is to think happy and positive and to undermine the pain’s pathetic attempts to ruin my life.

Cluster’s Last Stand is about changing my attitude to pain and changing an entire mindset. What do I have to lose?

Wish me luck and, if you want to join me in my quest, feel free.


1 comment:

  1. As a fellow CHer I take the approach it is shit but look how bad it could be. Next time there is a program about India / Africa think how lucky we are. True some people don't have to deal with the pain and sleep deprivation but most of them don't appreciate what they have - often till they loose it.
